After a break due to the pandemic, Youth 4 Business was very excited to be able to organize a student conference of over 400 attendees in Chantal at the Centre de Lecture et D'animation Culturelle (Reading and Cultural Entertainment Center).
This conference was so important to our students, teachers, and alumni as it brought them together promoting comradery, encouragement, and networking. Our staff arranged for two speakers, Pastor Milien Evilio, employee of Youth 4 Business, and Mr. Yves Felix, teacher at the Business and Technology Institute (BTI) of Les Cayes, to speak on the subject of “Self-Esteem, a Posture to Save.” They engaged ideas surrounding moral values, preserving self-worth, and the application of using self-esteem to succeed in business.

Each school wore a different colored shirt and some even designed their own! Lycee of Chantal in white, Notre-dame of Chantal green, CEGAB of Berreaud in black, ACR of Regnier in yellow, New Vision of Ducis in blue, Lapleiade of Chantal in pink, Justin Lherisson of Torbeck in red and St-Jean Baptist in grey.

We gathered to encourage
We gathered to network
We gathered to learn
We gathered to celebrate
We gathered for fun!
The team held a contest between the schools engaging the curriculum the students have been learning all year. The winners were as follows:
1st New Vision

2nd Lycee S. Salnave

3rd St-Jean Baptist.

Congratulations to our school winners and to all who participated in making this event a huge success!